Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So what?

Many people have said so what is the big thing about losing weight. And maybe the numbers are not impressive enough. So to give you some perspective, here is a before photo and an after photo. Now if you look at this picture you will believe that anyone can achieve their goal weight through exercise and healthy eating.

Before - Me at 135kg


People have asked if there were any pills or supplements I took to achieve this. The truth is it was so painful to try and break away from old habits and to keep yourself motivated to get out of bed and exercise. I have tried all the pills and special diets and none of them has worked for me with this kind of results. The hard part now is to keep going after the competition, to stay focussed and committed. But with the support of my friends and family and all the people out there that congratulated me and still offer kind words, thank you. It really means alot to hear from you and to hear how seeing me do what I did has helped you get into action.

It all starts with the first step. Not a big one, just one small step. To begin somewhere. And everyday keep reminding yourself about why you are doing this. To be healthy. To live a more fulfilling life and to feel better about yourself for yourself. I can't begin to describe how I feel these days. I have so much more energy. So much more vitality that I feel like I am enjoying my life more.

If any of you wish to get hold of me, please feel free to contact me via email or through my agent.

Stay strong and always believe.


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