Monday, June 16, 2008

WEEK TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!

The second week of Sure Slim certainly went alot easier than the first - I'm learning the different foods I can eat, and remembering to take my vitamins and supplements, and the craving for certain foods has certainly subsided (aside from chocolate that is!).

I went with much trepidation to my second weigh in, because I thought there is no way I would have done as well in my second week as I did in the first. Imagine my delight when I jumped on the scale and lost a further 2.4kg! Guys, I felt like I was walking on air! Truly astonishing and uplifting knowing the hard work put in had paid off.

But like everyone else, I'm also only human, and indulged in a bit of "long weekend" food - chocolate, braai, garlic bread etc etc. This time though, instead of beating myself up about it, I will wake up tomorrow, a fresh day, and start again - I will not let a bit of over indulgence deter me from my ultimate goal...nor will I be disappointed and cross if I have not lost weight this week. The important thing is that I put this weekend behind me and go at it again with the next sunrise!

Has anyone else tried Sure Slim with me? What are your results like?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Diet Update

Good evening!

Tonight I just HAVE to share my success over this past week. As was evident by my previous blog, I decided to follow the Sure Slim diet. It took about a week in total to have the blood tests done and for the Sure Slim doctor to formulate my diet, and I officially started the diet last Monday. I went to weigh for the first time yesterday (Saturday), and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that I had lost a WHOPPING 2.6KG in my first week!

I have to admit, if felt wonderful! My first week on the programme was difficult. You feel really tired and personally I had a headache that wouldn't go away for the first three days. But that was just my body detoxing and my sugar levels stabilising. But wow was it worth the effort! I can't wait to weigh again!!!!

My consciounce is getting the better of me, however, and I must say that on Friday night I cheated with a bit of chocolate pudding...not my finest moment, but my feeling is if you can be good 99% of the time, that 1% shouldn't damage you too badly...

My exercise training took a bit of a dip this week, but thankfully I have an amazing boyfriend, who encourages me continually. That really makes a big difference. If you are struggling, surround yourself with people that support and love you and will push you to do your best - it helps more than you know! Winter is not an excuse, warm up with a jog or some cycling and enjoy that fresh air! That's what Im going to do!

Cheers for now.