Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Exciting Times

Good morning all!
I must ask for everyone to excuse me for being quiet over the last few days. I spent the weekend in a Johannesburg studio getting all dolled up for a photoshoot.

When I looked into endorsing a product when I first left the Biggest Loser House, I was determined not to associate my name with just any old brand. I was delighted when Trojan Home Exercise Equipment approached me. Now, I can honestly say, during my many attempts at weight loss, I tried using many home gym products, but Trojan always came out tops.

Watch out for my face on the new packaging. The photo shoot was physically exhausting, but the guys there were fantastic and really understanding. Ive attached some of the photo's I took on Saturday.

As for my eating plan: Many people have asked what diet works best. Well, from personal experience I cannot say it's one specific food, but rather to change your way of living completely. Its no secret that I would still like to lose another 10kg's, so I have decided to join up with Sure Slim and follow their eating plan. I will blog on a regular basis how it is going. I would love for you to share with me the ups and downs as they are happening.

Would anyone like to do Sure Slim with me?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Some Motivation For You

When I weighed 135kg's, shopping had to be the biggest nightmare. I avoided it at all costs and only went shopping for new clothes when the old ones were literally hanging on by a thread. I would hunt around clothing stores (only ones that sold larger clothes) and would end up having to settle for a frumpy outfit that cost a fortune. This I would then wear until it too was literally thread bear and would start the clothing treasure hunt once more. After a hard days shopping I would go home feeling very ugly...and don't even get me started on the mirrors in the store change room cubicles!

I was sooo fortunate to have been sponsored clothing by Truworths as part of my final prize, and I recently decided to go on a little spree. I cannot begin to describe how wonderful it felt to be able to shop 1) in a normal size clothing store, and 2) to feel great in what I was trying on. It doesn't mean to say I look like a supermodel, Im a size 14 currently, but it just felt so amazing to fit into trendy jackets and funky jeans without looking like the goodyear blimp.

I wish everyone could feel the way I do at the moment, and I just want to offer encouragement that YOU CAN! With a bit of hard work, effort and will power, you too can enjoy the exhiliration of fitting into gorgeous clothes. Like I said before, don't give up, that prize is out there just waiting for you to lay claim!

Liney asked if anyone had ever tried the cabbage soup diet. I am most ashamed to say I have...along with the grapefruit diet, the paw paw diet, the liquid diet, and so many more this post wouldn't be long enough to explain. All failed miserably. Why? Well, who has the guts to stick out eating just watery cabbage flavoured gruel everyday - YUK! The majority of weight you may lose will be water loss - which comes back with a vengeance when you start to eat normal again.

I think a very important thing to learn to do is love yourself - whether you weigh 135 or 55 kg's. Look at what you are doing to your body. I used to torture myself with a terrible cycle of binge eating and fad diets and I have now decided that I love myself too much to do that to myself again. I can promise that I struggle with weight loss as much as everyone else does. It's a constant daily battle to choose to eat correctly, but its something that is so worth it in the end.

I am feeling very tempted right now to try one of those fads again. I managed to get down to an incredible 73kg's, but over the past month have gained a few kg's due to my body normalising after the hectic routine I put myself through. Everytime I feel a fad whispering in my ear to try it, I think back to how I lost the weight in the first place...through good ol balanced diet and exercise. So I have resolved once more not to be overcome by my weight, but instead to love myself enough to do things the healthy way.

Imagine how you will feel at your goal weight. Let that be the driving force behind you. Motivate yourself daily, wake up in the morning and tell yourself how valuable you are. It works wonders not only for your diet, but your self esteem as well.

You are truly beautiful, and it's time you started believing that.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Good evening from a very tired Sharon (YAWN)

Firstly, Id like to say hi to Stella and Liny, who continue to keep in contact with me and show such support - your comments are so valuable, thank you!

Many people have commented in the past that they would like more information on how I lost the weight I did. I thought Id take this opportunity to give a few tips. The first thing that is so important is not to ever, ever give up. I know many people (myself included) will have great resolve to lose weight, and start out a fresh week with much gusto on a new diet. By lunch time of the very same day, they have eaten a piece of chocolate cake (it was someone's birthday and it looked sooooo good) and instead of buffing it off as a little blip on the long road to weight loss, they give up and throw the whole week away as a loss - resolving that next Monday they will try again.

I myself have been victim of this vicious circle time and time again. It is nothing more than a giant waste of time and it makes the road ahead that much more difficult to travel.

Should you read the above sentences and identify with what I have written, stop. Take a step back and evaluate why you are doing it. Is the diet you will be following too tough? Are you a chronic procrastinator like I was, does your goal seem too far away and the mountain you find yourself facing seem too large to climb? Is it pure laziness keeping you from pushing forward?

I get kind of cross when I think about all the fad diets out there. Huge promises are made that are rarely delivered on, and on the off chance you do lose weight, it is almost impossible to start eating a balanced diet again without putting all the weight back on again - once again inspiring demotivation and promoting even more weight gain.

Even myself, I was on a hectic diet for 7 months, when I started eating more, I gained a few pounds. My advice to everyone out there is it is better to lose slowly and keep it off long term than attempt all the other ridiculous diets and pills available and fail in the end. Follow a balanced diet - I recommend consulting with a dietician which I myself am doing, as they can formulate an eating plan that won't leave you feeling deprived, yet will still offer weight loss results. Get more active. Exercise not only helps with weight loss but also leaves you full of endorphines that make you feel great.

If anyone has any specific questions, please leave a comment and I will address them in my next post.

Cheers for now!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Keeping weight off is diffucult

I really imagined that keeping the weight off would be alot easier than losing the weight. But I am slowly learning that is is just as hard. There is no longer a deadline for weight loss, the competition has been won, and the pressure is off to lose lose lose. Temptations are very easily available, and Im surrounded by people who encourage me to eat. I am also finding that adjusting my training routine (i.e. training only once a day, instead of 4 hours daily) and eating a bit more than lettuce leaves are wreaking havoc with my scale weight.

I am sure that there are millions of people all over the world that struggle with this. So instead of getting discouraged and cross, and instead of throwing a tantrum (which seems like a really good idea at this point), Im going to keep on keeping on. I won't stop training. I won't give in to laziness. I will not quit! I will not let the disappointment of putting on a few pounds deter me from my focus.

This time will be different.