Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Exciting Times

Good morning all!
I must ask for everyone to excuse me for being quiet over the last few days. I spent the weekend in a Johannesburg studio getting all dolled up for a photoshoot.

When I looked into endorsing a product when I first left the Biggest Loser House, I was determined not to associate my name with just any old brand. I was delighted when Trojan Home Exercise Equipment approached me. Now, I can honestly say, during my many attempts at weight loss, I tried using many home gym products, but Trojan always came out tops.

Watch out for my face on the new packaging. The photo shoot was physically exhausting, but the guys there were fantastic and really understanding. Ive attached some of the photo's I took on Saturday.

As for my eating plan: Many people have asked what diet works best. Well, from personal experience I cannot say it's one specific food, but rather to change your way of living completely. Its no secret that I would still like to lose another 10kg's, so I have decided to join up with Sure Slim and follow their eating plan. I will blog on a regular basis how it is going. I would love for you to share with me the ups and downs as they are happening.

Would anyone like to do Sure Slim with me?


*Carmi* said...

Hi Sharon

I think you are every women's inspiration when it comes to sticking it out for the best. You were fantastic on the biggest loser, really gave me a wake up call. Ever since i started watching the biggest loser, enough was enough and i started my own training programme. Ive lost 15kgs already, half way to my goal weight now. Train every day except on a sunday, as i cant have fizzy cooldrinks i drink fresh purified water it does wonders for your body and skin. Ive stuck it out, and not giving up till i reach my goal weight. Going to push another 15kgs for july to be at my target weight.

As a tip for everyone else that stays in south africa, i dont believe in dieting its more like a healthy lifestyle, done all these diets lost weight then u put it on again.Better to get enough veggies and nutrition from your own healthy eating plan. Important rule- exercise, exercise, whats the point of dieting and you do nothing..

Ive had a personal trainer with me actually my aunt who finished the IRONMAN south africa in April this year and she has taught me alot what exercise to do at the gym.

I would recommend anyone who wants to start toning up their stomach and legs and butt, to go and buy USN- L-glutamine, take a 1/2 teaspoon of it after your workout, prevents you from getting any injuries while you workout.

Also i take Lean Body Perfect Whey protein shake(meal replacement) but not as a meal replacement as a protein shake after ive trained makes you feel full and keep u from binging till supper time. I live by that shake and usn l glutamine, both has no fat in, you wont build any muscle unless you are lifting killer weights really.

i know its hard to stay away from fatty foods, but i have it programmed in my brain that i am not allowed to have anything that has more than 7grs of fat in, im allergic to preservatives and tartrazine so the past 3months i have been checking all my food, its become such a habit now, but i love the new me, cant wait to drop another 15kgs to be at my goal weight.

Ive learnt the hard way, i wasted a year's membership at the gym cause i was to lazy to gym, now from losing 15kgs i have so much energy and can train for 90mins full out at the gym, its funny how your body gets use to something and its programmed in your head like that.

Sharon, you are amazing, and i have come so far already and not giving up till i reach my goal weight, i do love myself but dont like the way i use to look cant believe how i was overweight, its sickening...

Have a fabulous day and thanks for all your blogs, will wait for your response.

Keep up the good work, all the best for the extra kgs you still want to lose you can do it.


Stella said...

Hi shaz
I still use you as my inspiration when I feel down I just thing that anyone can do it. Last night I was sitting in the bath and it might sound silly and its a little thing but I would love to have the bath water to run around me not get stuck behind me or in front like a beavers dam. And my daughter love to bath with me because I make the bath nice and full her. I do not want to do that anymore. I stuck to a eating plan for a week and to my exercise program. I,m going to start a nia class once a week too

Sharon Haarhoff said...


Thank you so much you guys, I love hearing from you!
I agree that a protein shake helps, just not as a meal replacement. But it's great as an in between meal snack - full of good protein and carbs - none of the rubbish.

Keep on losing that weight! Don't give up!