Sunday, June 8, 2008

Diet Update

Good evening!

Tonight I just HAVE to share my success over this past week. As was evident by my previous blog, I decided to follow the Sure Slim diet. It took about a week in total to have the blood tests done and for the Sure Slim doctor to formulate my diet, and I officially started the diet last Monday. I went to weigh for the first time yesterday (Saturday), and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that I had lost a WHOPPING 2.6KG in my first week!

I have to admit, if felt wonderful! My first week on the programme was difficult. You feel really tired and personally I had a headache that wouldn't go away for the first three days. But that was just my body detoxing and my sugar levels stabilising. But wow was it worth the effort! I can't wait to weigh again!!!!

My consciounce is getting the better of me, however, and I must say that on Friday night I cheated with a bit of chocolate pudding...not my finest moment, but my feeling is if you can be good 99% of the time, that 1% shouldn't damage you too badly...

My exercise training took a bit of a dip this week, but thankfully I have an amazing boyfriend, who encourages me continually. That really makes a big difference. If you are struggling, surround yourself with people that support and love you and will push you to do your best - it helps more than you know! Winter is not an excuse, warm up with a jog or some cycling and enjoy that fresh air! That's what Im going to do!

Cheers for now.

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