Monday, May 5, 2008

Keeping weight off is diffucult

I really imagined that keeping the weight off would be alot easier than losing the weight. But I am slowly learning that is is just as hard. There is no longer a deadline for weight loss, the competition has been won, and the pressure is off to lose lose lose. Temptations are very easily available, and Im surrounded by people who encourage me to eat. I am also finding that adjusting my training routine (i.e. training only once a day, instead of 4 hours daily) and eating a bit more than lettuce leaves are wreaking havoc with my scale weight.

I am sure that there are millions of people all over the world that struggle with this. So instead of getting discouraged and cross, and instead of throwing a tantrum (which seems like a really good idea at this point), Im going to keep on keeping on. I won't stop training. I won't give in to laziness. I will not quit! I will not let the disappointment of putting on a few pounds deter me from my focus.

This time will be different.


Unknown said...

Haai Sharon;
i am sure it is a very nice feeling for you to loose. Hope this will be an encouragement to all of us who still feel we need to loose more.

I have cheated ( again) on my diet plan; but someone has told me about this fantastic way of loosing weight; still need to try it before actually telling to any one> so lol.... i will reveal all of this when if it really did work for me....the thing is i know that maybe there are some ppl that view your blog now and then who are over weight; i dont want them to use stuff that i am not even sure off.

till later
Liny ( facebook)

Sharon Haarhoff said...


So, come on, share share share! What is this fantastic way of losing weight all about?

Can I offer an opinion?

Sharon Haarhoff said...


So, come on, share share share! What is this fantastic way of losing weight all about?

Can I offer an opinion?

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